VP3 File Format


File Header Information

Offset Size Description
0x00 6 bytes Magic Number: Always “%vsm%” + \0
0x06 2 bytes (N1) Number of bytes in Identifier String
0x08 N1 bytes Body of identifier string. Uses wide characters and may not be NULL terminated
0x08+N1 2 bytes Unknown
0x09+N1 1 byte Unknown
0x0A+N1 4 bytes Outer Section Size - Describes the number of bytes left in the file
0x0C+N1 2 bytes (N2) Number of bytes in unknown string
0x0E+N1 N2 bytes Body of unknown byte string.

Hoop Configuration

Offset Size Description
Offset Hoop Dimensions
0x00 4 bytes Positive X Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x04 4 bytes Positive Y Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x08 4 bytes Negative X Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x0C 4 bytes Negative Y Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x10 4 bytes Unknown DWORD
0x14 4 bytes Unknown DWORD
0x18 4 bytes Unknown DWORD
0x1C 4 bytes Number of bytes remaining in the file
0x20 4 bytes Origin X-Offset
0x24 4 bytes Origin Y-Offset
0x28 1 byte Unknown BYTE
0x29 1 byte Unknown BYTE
0x30 1 byte Unknown BYTE
Centered Hoop Dimensions
0x35 4 bytes Negative X Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x31 4 bytes Positive X Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x3D 4 bytes Negative Y Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x39 4 bytes Positive Y Hoop dimension in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x41 4 bytes Hoop width in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x45 4 bytes Hoop height in 1000ths of a millimeter
More Unknowns…
0x47 2 bytes Unknown WORD
0x49 1 byte Unknown BYTE
0x4A 1 byte Unknown BYTE
0x4D 1 byte Unknown DWORD
0x52 1 byte Unknown DWORD
0x46 1 byte Unknown DWORD
0x4A 1 byte Unknown DWORD

Stitch Section Header

Offset Size Description
0x00 6 bytes Magic Number: Always 0x78 0x78 0x55 0x55 0x01 0x00
0x06 2 bytes (N3) Number of bytes in Identifier String (same as above)
0x08 N3 bytes Body of identifier string. Uses wide characters and may not be NULL terminated (same as above)
0x0A+N3 2 bytes Number of colors in the pattern

Color Section

Each color is composed of a single color section header followed by a single color section body.

Color Section Header

Offset Size Description
0x00 3 bytes Unknown Bytes
0x03 4 bytes Offset to next color section as an offset from the top of the color section.
0x07 4 bytes Unknown X-Offset in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x0B 4 bytes Unknown Y-Offset in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x0F 1 byte (TS) Unknown table size multiplier
0x10 1 byte Thread color blue channel
0x11 1 byte Thread color green channel
0x12 1 byte Thread color red channel
0x13 6*TS Unknown table
Color descriptions strings
0x00 2 bytes (S1) Size of color string 1
0x02 S1 bytes Color string 1 - ascii, no NULL terminator
0x02+S1 2 bytes (S2) Size of color string 2
0x04+S1 S2 bytes Color string 2
0x04+S1+S2 2 bytes (S3) Size of color string 3
0x06+S1+S2 S3 bytes Color string 3
Color descriptions strings
0x00 4 bytes Unknown X-Offset in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x04 4 bytes Unknown Y-Offset in 1000ths of a millimeter
0x08 2 bytes (N4) Number of bytes in unknown string
0x0A N4 bytes Body of unknown byte string.
0x0A+N4 4 bytes (NS) Number of stitch bytes for this color only.
0x0E+N4 3 byte Unknown BYTES

Color Section Body

The number of stitches can be approximated by subtracting 3 from
the number of stitch bytes (SB) above, and the dividing by 2.
Unfortunately, this is only a approximation of the number of stitches in
this color. As we’ll see, the actual number of stitches can be lower
than this calculation due to special stitches.

From here to the end of the section, each regular stitch is
represented as two sequential bytes. The first byte represents the
X-component of the stitch as a signed integer in 10th of a millimeter,
and the second byte represents the Y-component.

Special Stitches

When either the X component of the stitch has the value of 0x80
then we have a special stitch. The Y-component of the special stitch
tells us how to handle it. When Y is 0x00 or 0x03, the special stitch is
empty and the two bytes already read are ignored. When the Y component
is 0x01, then the next 6 bytes represent a jump stitch. The first 2
bytes is the X-component of the jump stitch as a signed word in 10ths of
a millimeter. As expected, the subsequent 2 bytes is the Y-component of
the jump stitch. The final 2 bytes is a stitch terminator and has
consistently been 0x80 0x02.

Each stitch is an offset from the previous one. Once all bytes
from a given color are parsed, the next color section picks up in the
same position where the current one left off.

Copyright Jason Weiler 2006. All Rights Reserved.